
Local Templates


Site map showing number of pages

(:template first:)
(:template first {=$Group}:)
!!! [[Category/{=$Group}]] [--((:pagelist fmt=count group={=$Group} list=normal:) pages)--] [-&nbsp;{{=$Group}/$:Summary} -]
(:template each:)
(:if ! equal {=$Name} {$DefaultName} :)
-< [[{=$Group}/{=$Titlespaced}]] [-&nbsp;{=$:Summary} -]
(:pagelist group=PmWiki name=-*-Talk fmt=#sitemap list=normal count=16:)

(:template first:) (:template first {=$Group}:) #{=$Group}

{=$Group}? (0 pages)  {{=$Group}/$:Summary}

(:template each:)

{=$Titlespaced}?  {=$:Summary}

PmWiki? (104 pages)  

Access Keys  Access keys are keyboard shortcuts for tasks that would otherwise require a mouse
Audiences  Patrick Michaud's comments regarding the "audiences" for which PmWiki was designed
Auth User  Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords
Available Actions  All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters
Backup and Restore  background information and some basic backup and restore procedures
Basic PmWiki editing rules?  PmWiki's basic edit syntax
Basic Variables  core variables
Blocklist  Blocking IP addresses, phrases, and expressions to counteract spam and vandalism.
Block Markup  Markup resulting in paragraphs
Categories  Categories are a way to organize and find related pages
Change Log  Log of changes made to PmWiki by Release
Conditional Markup  The if directive allows portions of a page to be included or excluded from rendering
Contact us  How to reach the PmWiki developers and community
Contributors  A list of contributors to PmWiki development and improvement
Creating New Pages  How to create a new page


Site map showing number of pages

(:template each:)
(:if ! equal {=$Name} {$DefaultName} :)
* [++[[{=$Group}/{=$Titlespaced}]]++]
-> {=$:Summary}
(:pagelist group=PmWiki fmt=#categorysitemap list=normal count=16:)

(:template each:)


Access keys are keyboard shortcuts for tasks that would otherwise require a mouse
Patrick Michaud's comments regarding the "audiences" for which PmWiki was designed
Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords
All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters
background information and some basic backup and restore procedures
PmWiki's basic edit syntax
core variables
Blocking IP addresses, phrases, and expressions to counteract spam and vandalism.
Markup resulting in paragraphs
Categories are a way to organize and find related pages
Log of changes made to PmWiki by Release
The if directive allows portions of a page to be included or excluded from rendering
How to reach the PmWiki developers and community
A list of contributors to PmWiki development and improvement
How to create a new page
Redirects to PmWiki.InterMap.


A simple bullet list of page name and comment for Qualitätssicherung?.

* [[{=$FullName}]] '^[[{=$FullName}-Talk | Discussion]]^'
-> [-{=$:QA}-]
(:pagelist links=Category.FIXME,Category.FIXED fmt=#qa list=normal count=8:)

$Habe versucht den Space-Montag unter "Demnächst" anzulegen und dabei die Vorlage bearbeitet JJ77? 2024-02-07 18:47:40 +0100
Sollte übersichtlicher gestaltet werden. Nicht dokumentierte Infrastruktur ist ausfindig zu machen. oleander 2016-11-08 01:38:17 +0100
ist Aktuell, hab mich neulich erst über den Artikel gefreut manu? 2016-11-16 20:04:16 +0100
Details Fehlen. Dienst gibt es nicht mehr. Details aus nostalgischen Gründen anbieten? oleander 2016-11-08 02:25:29 +0100
Karteileiche? oleander 2016-11-08 02:26:34 +0100
Wird das noch fortgeführt? oleander 2016-11-08 02:26:50 +0100
Karteileiche? oleander 2016-11-08 02:30:56 +0100
Anpassen, da Infrastruktur.Telefone nun existiert. oleander 2016-11-08 02:31:49 +0100


Site map showing number of pages for Overhead

(:template each:)
(:if ! equal {=$Name} {$DefaultName} :)
* [++[[{=$Group}/{=$Titlespaced}]]++]
(:toc-page {=$Name}:)
(:pagelist group=PmWiki fmt=#overheadsitemap list=normal count=16:)

(:template each:)