
Pm Wiki

Redirects to PmWiki.WikiWord
Definition and usage of WikiWord
An introduction to the Wiki Wiki Web (www)
Trails from lists items from a single page
Modifying the style of page contents
Styling text for colour and other attributes
PmWiki structural support for page organization
Wiki page information
Redirects to Wiki Group
Organising pages into related groups
Running multiple wikis from a single installation
Web feed notification of changes
Determining and displaying the current version of PmWiki (pmwiki-2.2.106)
Variables available for local customisation
Enabling UTF-8 Unicode language encoding in your wiki.
Require approval of Url links
Variables used for uploads/attachments
Administration of PmWiki uploads
Allow authors to upload files, also known as page attachments
Version 1 to version 2 upgrade suggestions
How to upgrade an existing PmWiki installation
Advice for troubleshooting an installation, keywords: deprecated, preg_replace, crypt, blank pages, headers, .flock, upgrade
A list of some of the markup sequences available
Simple tables with double pipe markup, one row per line
Directives for table processing
Skin templates (.tmpl files)
Change the look and feel of part or all of PmWiki
Customisable browser setting preferences: Access keys, edit form
how site page actions work
Handling multiple attempts to edit a page nearly simultaneously
variables crucial for site security
Resources for securing your PmWiki installation
Targeting and customising search results
Pre-requisites for running the PmWiki wiki engine
Notes about new versions, important for upgrades
Link references counts on pages
This page describes some of the ideas that guide the design and implementation of PmWiki
variables used to specify various locations on the server
More password options for the administrator
General use of passwords and login
variables that are associated with pages
Page variables automatically made available through natural or explicit page markup
variables used with page lists and search results
Creating page list format templates
Listing pages by multiple criteria with templated output
History of previous edits to a page
Create wiki formatted pages in bulk and for upload to your pmwiki site
Directives to specify page titles, descriptions, keywords, and display
Variables not yet classified
How to receive email messages whenever pages are changed on the whole wiki site, individual groups or selected watchlists of pages
Tabulation of all PmWiki markup
String and formatting operations
The email discussion lists available and their archives
Customize your PmWiki installation through config.php and local.css
variables that control the display of links in pages
Multiple mechanisms for creating links
variables that control page layout
Frequent questions before installing PmWiki
Language internationalisation of web pages
Interwiki links definition and use
Obtaining and installing PmWiki
First steps following a fresh installation
Include contents from other PmWiki pages
Placing images in pages
variables used for internationalization (i18n)
Group Header and Group Footer page usage
How to customize a subset of your wiki
Terms related to PmWiki
How some of the functions in pmwiki.php work
How you can embed input forms into wiki pages
Documentation for the PmWiki internal function FmtPageName()
PmWiki's settings for file and directory permissions in a typical Unix environment
List of frequently asked questions
variables used when editing pages
Draft versions of pages
PmWiki documentation index
Some of the features and notes about PmWiki's design decisions
Removing wiki pages
variables useful for debugging
Predefined PmWiki styles & adding custom wiki styles
Using the Markup() function for custom wiki syntax; migration to PHP 5.5
Redirects to PmWiki.InterMap.
How to create a new page
A list of contributors to PmWiki development and improvement
How to reach the PmWiki developers and community
The if directive allows portions of a page to be included or excluded from rendering
Log of changes made to PmWiki by Release
Categories are a way to organize and find related pages
Markup resulting in paragraphs
Blocking IP addresses, phrases, and expressions to counteract spam and vandalism.
core variables
PmWiki's basic edit syntax
background information and some basic backup and restore procedures
All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters
Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords
Patrick Michaud's comments regarding the "audiences" for which PmWiki was designed
Access keys are keyboard shortcuts for tasks that would otherwise require a mouse